Rodiče sv. Terezičky z Lisieux byli blahořečeni

20. 10. 2008 0:22
Rubrika: Novinky

Mother and father of St. Therese
to be declared blessed on
Mission Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tak to je zajímavé. Nejen Terezka Martinová, jak ji známe z knihy Marie Holkové, Terezička od dítěte Ježíše, ale i její rodiče ted nám mohou být vzorem.

Protože byli z Francie, dávám sem odkazy přímo z jejich rodné země.

Saturday, July 12, 2008: Venerable Zelie and Louis Martin are to be beatified on Mission Sunday, October 19, 2008, at Lisieux. Cardinal Saraiva Martins announced it today in Alencon on the 150th anniversary of their wedding day. For the latest news, and for films and articles about their lives and their beatification, the miraculous cure of Pietro Schiliro, and their pastoral significance, please see "Venerable Zelie and Louis Martin, Therese's

Další zajímavé informace najdete zde:



Press Kit for the Beatification
of the Venerable Zelie Guerin and Louis Martin

Mission Sunday, October 19, 2008 at Lisieux, France



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